You can die or be killed if you do not understand the dangers of hospital protocols and the jab. You should study both sides of the question and study this information and more before making an informed decision.
Also, Dr. Andreas Noack (chemist) taught something he knew about that does not show up in petri dishes. In other words, a biologist or doctor will not know this. There is a 4 page .pdf you can read, as well as a video to watch. The video starts with his wife and then goes on to his recorded talk.
The reason this blog at times blends scriptures to current events, is because they are relevant. People are being destroyed for lack of knowledge. Scriptural knowledge and principles apply outside of the four walls of a church, as well as within a church itself.
At the bottom of each post there is a link to ShineOnHealth where multiple videos and articles about Covid-related incidents or knowledge are posted or reposted. All of them are very important. The three links listed above are not intended in any way to slight any of the other fine professionals and the knowledge they have shared. All is very important. But since many people are confused about hospitals, they should start with the Dr. Ardis information. Then keep educating yourself with more information.
At the site, you can do search for other doctors you have heard about like Dr. Zelenko or Dr. Peter McCullough or others. You can try search terms of “Dr”, “Dr.”, “Doctor” or use their name. This is why it is recommended to save posts you prefer to share.
Do a search for “Ivermectin” as well. I personally took Ivermectin and credit it for helping me recover. Saying that Ivermectin does not work is a lot of horse nonsense (pun intended).
Acts 2:40 With many other words he testified, and exhorted them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”
A blog post can only introduce a topic but not cover it in depth. For more study on various topics, click here for links to various Christian ministries.
Depending on the ministry, there may be online church services, YouTube videos, podcasts, radio programs, books, teaching, or more. You have to seek out what they have.